Working on new data models for water

In the pending repository (the place where the data models can be developed if you wish) there is an interesting working going on about sensoring related to water management.

In development is :

– A data model for the actuator

– A data model for the service which is related to the actuator

– Modifications of the device data model

– A data model for a gateway gathering the data of a group of sensors

They are in the very early stages (so not that much is being contributed).

These contributions are based on the works of the EU project FIWARE4WATER in its group of IoT data models. You can contact them here.

Help for data modellers

Some of the contributors have requested some help about creating new data models. How to do it and where to do it.


1) If you are clear about the payloads that you want to share (you have a plain key values json payload)


2) You can use this tool (This link is always available in the Learning Zone on the upper menu, section tools)

to generate a draft version of the json schema. You will have to review (for sure).

– Whether you need some restrictions (min, max) on number properties

– The number of required properties

– The full list of options in enumeration properties

– Remove the context (it is treated as property)

– Check the Arrays (minItems, etc)

and possibly some other minor issues


3) We offer an open repository named pending for you to contribute while developing. Ask for access raising an issue with the option ‘Access to pending repository’

Documentation status for all data models

Every day will be checked the documentation available for each data model and the result is dumped in the file documentationStatus.json

It would help a user to identify all the documentation, examples, schemas and specification available and it allows an automated use for any other purpose.

Check it out.


Subscribe to the news on Smart Destination data models

In the subscribe page (Weekly lists to be informed about the news on the different domains of data models) there is now a new option for the domain of Smart Destinations (at the bottom of the page).
In this post also the direct access to this list.

Smart Destination

The general list of news about Smart Destination data models of the Smart data models initiative. Once a week (in case there is news for it) unless there would be relevant changes.
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