New form for checking the validation of a json schema

Although the net is plenty of sites for validation of a payload against a json schema, below you have this service.

Besides this post the form will be available in the validation payload link where it is explained how to validate through an API call (bottom part of the page, so scroll down a bit)

    This form validates a payload against a data model


    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    After clicking it will appear a message confirming the submission

    It will take a while to redirect to the feedback on a specific page

    Thanks for being patient


    Feedback welcomed

    Form for checking a schema submission

    The API call for checking a json schema submission before being accepted into the data models are already available here:

    Now it can be also used through a form like this one in this other link.

    Check it out below

      This form validates a submission of a data model and provides feedback in case is not compliant with the guidelines and the contribution manual and also whether the properties are already used in other data models




      By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

      After clicking it will appear a message confirming the submission

      It will take an instant to redirect to the reults



      Check a schema validates a payload

      If you want to check if a schema validates a payload  through this API call


      Parameters: (Mandatories)

      • payloadUrl: The url of the payload in RAW version
      • schemaUrl: The link to the RAW version of the json schema (see example)


      Output: A json payload with these properties

      • result: Boolean. if the schema validates the payload.
      • time: time stamp in ISO 8601 (CET) of the validation
      • payloadUrl: The url of the payload in RAW version submitted
      • schemaUrl: The link to the RAW version of the json schema submitted

      on error

      • cause: The description of the cause for the rejection to the validation