New data models for Environment. ElectroMagneticObserved and IndoorEnvironmentObserved

There are two new data models ElectroMagneticObserved and IndoorEnvironmentObserved

ElectroMagneticObserved. The Data Model is intended to measure excessive electric and magnetic fields (EMFs), or radiation in a work or public environment according to the level of exposure to electromagnetic fields on the air. The frequency of the Hertzian waves is conventionally lower than 300 GHz, propagating in space without artificial guide. They are between 9 kHz and 300 GHz.
IndoorEnvironmentObserved. Observation of air and climate conditions for indoor environments.

Located in the Subject Environment

New data models for Ports. BoatPlacesAvailable and SeaportFacilities

There are two new data models BoatPlacesAvailable and SeaportFacilities.

BoatPlacesAvailable . The purpose of the data model is to provide information on the availability of mooring rings for boats in the port by category. The information received relates only to pleasure boats and excludes commercial and passenger transport boats. The information on the Spot categories for boats is taken from the ISO 8666 standard.

SeaportFacilities. The Data Model is intended to provide information about ports that can accommodate pleasure craft, commerce or passenger transport. It permits to represent the parameters of each port, its location, its mooring capacities and the free or paid services associated with it provided directly by the port or by professionals working on or near the port“.

Located in the Subject Ports

New data model for Ports. SeaportsFacilities

There is a new data model SeaportsFacilities. The Data Model is intended to provide information about ports that can accommodate pleasure craft, commerce or passenger transport. It permits to represent the parameters of each port, its location, its mooring capacities and the free or paid services associated with it provided directly by the port or by professionals working on or near the port.

Located in the Ports Subject.

New data model for Ports. BoatAuthorized

There is a new data model BoatAuthorized. The data model is intended to provide information on the boats authorized to operate within the port according to the ISO 8666 standard for Boat Category.

This repository is created by the type of category of the boat (pleasure craft, trade, passengers, …). For each type of category, a list of optional subtypes of a category can be associated.

Located in the Ports Subject.

New data model for Environment. Phreatic Observed

There is a new data model PhreaticObserved is intended to measure, observe and control the level and quality of groundwater at a given time (T), by a fixed or mobile monitoring system. Depending on the device used, it is also possible to measure the quality of water such as its electrical conductivity, its salt content, its temperature, etc. In this case, the values measured are processed by the Data Model `WaterObserved` and `WaterQualityObserved`. Additional Information about Attributes: For attributes dedicated to water, a MetaData attribute can also be used. it contains the `TimeStamp` in seconds, the `qualification` and control `status` of the measurement”.

Located in the Environment Subject