Find here the presentation done for the Iof2020 EU project final event. It describes the need for agile standardization performed by Smart Data Models initiative and some of the main links of the initiative.
Specific focus on Agrifood sector.
Two new data models, PhotovoltaicDevice and PhotovoltaicMeasurement are available in the dataModel.GreenEnergy Subject.
PhotovoltaicDevice: The Data Model is intended to describe the mechanical, electrical, and thermal characteristics of photo-voltaic panels according to STC – Standard Test Condition and NOCT – Normal Operating Cell Temperature
PhotovoltaicMeasurement: The Data Model is intended to measure the continuous power transferred by the photo-voltaic panel to an Inverter Device.
This a general review of the contributions’ manual with these changes:
Located in the upper menu of the site.
It has been updated the database for searching properties, two main improvements:
A new data model, FloodMonitoring, in the Environment Subject from IUDX initiative is available:
FloodMonitoring: Flood Sensor Data Model intended to represent the level of flooding w.r.t water flow/level at a certain water mass (river, lake, etc.).
OPCUA is a protocol for machine to machine communication and there is a specific subject for mapping this standard with NGSI is being developed.
MotionDeviceSystem: provides a representation of a motion device system as an entry point to the OPC UA device set. This instance organizes the information model of a complete robotics system using instances of the described ObjectTypes. A motion device system may consist of multiple motion devices, controllers, and safety systems
It has been extended the data model of AirQualityObserved in the datamodel.Environment Subject.
With the property, AirQualityIndex is the numerical value for the Air quality. This value is frequently transformed into qualitative scales (good, quite good, etc)
New data model in the dataModel.Agrifood subject. Compartment
Compartment: Artificial area in a building or department that is measured by certain sensors. A compartment is not necessarily a physical separator. It can be a department or a grouping of several pens within a department that is being measured by the same sensor.
This is an alpha version (so you can expect errors and not being complete). Use it at your own risk. Please report errors and suggestions at
Parameters: (Mandatories)
Use any data model from Smart Data Models initiative and paste it into the form. Then you’ll get a page with a random payload compliant with the data model. Refresh for more.
You can also use this form
The data model Device located in the datamodel.Device subject is being updated for ensuring interoperability.
The configuration property has been defined to make it more interoperable.