Submit an issue

    Type of issue

    [group Contact-the-organization]


    [group technical-support]

    Describe it here


    [group Legal-privacy-issues]

    Describe your legal/privacy concern here


    [group Submit-notice-an-issue]

    Describe your issue here


    [group Participate-in-the-initiative]

    1.- You can always send a Pull request in the main repository on github Choose the domain.

    2.- Use of the data models is free and always it be



    [group Access-to-pending-repository]

    github user

    What is your data model about?


    [group Create-submit-a-data-model]

    1.- You can always send a PR to the right data model. See data models list in the lower part of this page

    2.- You can be informed in the maillists. Subscribe here



    [group Other-issues]

    Describe it here


    Comments are closed.