Smart data models Survey

    Are you, or your organization, a user of FIWARE platform (any enabler)

    YesNoDo not know

    [group user-fiware-group]

    What elements of the data models are useful for you:

    The json schema. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The examples of payloads. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The specification. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    Other elements. Specify Which one/s

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful


    [group not-user-fiware-group]

    Are you interested on the smart data models?

    YesNoDo not knowOther
    Explain other

    Why don't you use FIWARE platform?

    I do not need itIt is complicatedNot yetOther
    Explain other

    [group do-not-know]
    Please choose the more likely (Yes / No)

    Other recommendations or comments about your answers

    How do you describe yourself

    A developerAn end userA project managerA manager

    Comments are closed.