21-10-21: This resource is outdated and no longer available. It has been replaced by this simple editor, (home -> Draft a data Model) more powerful and simple to use.
If you want to create a basic version of a data model, you can use a copy of this spreadsheet as template . This spreadsheet is always available at https://bit.ly/schema_sheet short name.
The blue cells are the ones ready for the general information for creating your data model. You cannot add or remove cells, columns or rows, (without changing the script).
You need to fill the blue cells for these parameters:
- Subject: Official Subject where this data model should be allocated. (Check the official list)
- DataModel: Official data model name (Only one word i.e. WeatherForecast, no _).
- Title: use to be the name data model name with spaces. (i.e. Weather Forecast)
- Global Description: General text description of the data model. (2 lines is nice)
- Property name: Exactly this, the name of the property. Use camelCase. It would be good to check here whether this property already exists (you can copy and paste). Use those you need and leave one empty after those you filled. Properties below an empty property name are ignored.
- NGSI type: (Property, Relationship or Geoproperty)
- Data type: Type of data in the property. (array and object are not fully implemented)
- Other restrictions: If you are unfamiliar with JSON schema leave it empty.
- Description: Official description of the property.