List of adopters of the data models. If you want to get listed make a PR on the right model or fill this form.
adopter | description | organization | project | comments | startDate | subject | dataModel | |
IUDX | A Data Model for public transit system. | dataModel.UrbanMobility | TransitManagement | |||||
Plataforma Tierra | Farm management information system | | Fundación Grupo Cajamar | CXTierra | | 2024-09-24 | dataModel.Agrifood | AgriFertilize |
SALTED project | Characterization of SIGPAC parcels for a Smart Agriculture use case. | | dataModel.Agrifood | AgriParcel | ||||
Plataforma Tierra | Farm management information system | | Fundación Grupo Cajamar | CXTierra | | 2024-09-24 | dataModel.Agrifood | AgriPhytosanitary |
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | AnimalDisease | ||
Bricalvet | Veterinarian management software | Bricalvet | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | AnimalDisease | |||
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | AnimalMovement | ||
Cumbres del Guadarrama | Farm management software | Cumbres del Guadarrama | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | AnimalMovement | |||
La Blaqueria | Farm management software | La Blaqueria | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | AnimalMovement | |||
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | Carcass | ||
Carnicas Martin Caro | Data sharing management software | Carnicas Martin Caro | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | Carcass | |||
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | FeedRegistry | ||
GEPISA | Feed supplier management software | GEPISA | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | FeedRegistry | |||
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | MeatProduct | ||
Carnicas Martin Caro | Data sharing management software | Carnicas Martin Caro | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | MeatProduct | |||
SensoWave | Data sharing management software | | SensoWave | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | VeterinarianTreatment | ||
Bricalvet | Veterinarian management software | Bricalvet | FARM4ALL (i4Trust) | dataModel.Agrifood | VeterinarianTreatment | |||
IUDX | A parking facility Data Model. | IUDX | dataModel.Parking | OffStreetParking | ||||
IUDX | A parking facility Data Model. | IUDX | dataModel.Parking | OnStreetParking | ||||
IUDX | Data Model for weather conditions observed at a certain place and time. | dataModel.Weather | WeatherObserved | |||||
Las Rozas Innova | | Municipality of Las Rozas (Spain) | | 1-1-2022 | dataModel.Weather | WeatherObserved | ||
Inga Miadowicz | | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Add fields direct and diffuseIrradiation | 3-29-2023 | dataModel.Weather | WeatherObserved | ||
IUDX | Data model for solid waste management bins. | dataModel.WasteManagement | WasteContainer | |||||
Gert Van de Wouwer | First version of a model to describe an amount of waste (trash, litter). It can be used in trash collection or reporting trash which should be picked up. | | Digipolis Antwerpen | 2022-10-19 | dataModel.WasteManagement | WasteObserved | ||
DTI Huesca | Data model for anonymous detection of people and anonymous flow monitoring | Huesca council | DTI Huesca | August 2021 | dataModel.Transportation | AnonymousCommuterId | ||
Galdakao | Data model for anonymous detection of people and anonymous flow monitoring | Galdakao city hall | Galdakao | July 2021 | dataModel.Transportation | AnonymousCommuterId | ||
Ruud Reunis | Describes the registration of vehicles by an ANPR camera | | Inuits | dataModel.Transportation | AnprFlowObserved | |||
Davy Van Deun | Project manager | | Stad Antwerpen | MPA ANPR scanwagens | A project to acquire vehicles equipped with ANPR cameras for automated parking enforcement for the city of Antwerp. The project scope included the standardisation of information flow from vehicle to backend. | 1/1/2022 | dataModel.Transportation | APDSObservation |
Robert De Beukeulaer | Domain Specialist | | Digipolis Antwerpen | MPA ANPR scanwagens | Project to set up the necessary integration components to facilitate information flow from the ALPR scanning vehicle to the parking enforcement software. | 1/10/2022 | dataModel.Transportation | APDSObservation |
Martijn Oostdam | Project Manager | | ARVOO | MPA ANPR Scanwagens | ANPR Scanning equipment for Scancars | 1/10/2022 | dataModel.Transportation | APDSObservation |
IUDX | A citizen bike hiring system Data Model. | dataModel.Transportation | BikeHireDockingStation | |||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Transportation | CityWork |
Las Rozas Innova | | Municipality of Las Rozas (Spain) | | 1-1-2022 | dataModel.Transportation | CrowdFlowObserved | ||
IUDX | A Data Model for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. | dataModel.Transportation | EVChargingStation | |||||
IUDX | A public transit fare collection system Data Model. | IUDX | dataModel.Transportation | FareCollectionSystem | ||||
SEDIMARK project | Urban bike mobility planning use case in Santander | | dataModel.Transportation | FleetVehicleStatus | ||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Transportation | ItemFlowObserved |
Gert Van de Wouwer | Extra attributes status and statusDescription to allow modelling temporary road closures. | | Digipolis Antwerpen | Can be used to model the effect of bridge or lock openings on traffic that runs over them. | 2022-01-15 | dataModel.Transportation | RoadSegment | |
IUDX | A Data Model for road segments in the cities. | 2022-08-17 | dataModel.Transportation | RoadSegment | ||||
IUDX | Data Model for Traffic Violations registered and E-Challans generated in Cities. | dataModel.Transportation | TrafficViolation | |||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Transportation | TransportStation |
Road closure information for the Antwerp fire brigade. | By inspecting the status and statusDescription attributes, one can determine if a particular roadSegment is available for regular traffic. Due to events like bridges or locks that open for ships, the road may be temporarely closed and traffic is forced to wait or take a detour. | | Digipolis Antwerpen | The added attributes may also be used for other events that temporarely limit of block traffic on a roadSegment. | 2022-01-15 | dataModel.Transportation | Vehicle | |
ADDIX Internet Services GmbH | | | Smart City | CAPTN 5G | Extension of the enumeration for the attribute vehicleType to also cover different watercraft. | 2022-11-03 | dataModel.Transportation | Vehicle |
SEDIMARK project | Urban bike mobility planning use case in Santander | | dataModel.Transportation | Vehicle | ||||
IUDX | Data Model for describing a point of interest in he city. | dataModel.PointOfInterest | PointOfInterest | |||||
IUDX | A Data Model for camera installations in a city. | 2021-05-21. | dataModel.Device | Camera | ||||
Las Rozas Innova | | Municipality of Las Rozas (Spain) | | 1-1-2022 | dataModel.Device | Device | ||
Profirator Oy | A Data Model for various sensoring and measurements. | | Profirator | Luolakallio Sensor Data | 2021-09-03 | dataModel.Device | DeviceMeasurement | |
MADE | | FIWARE Foundation | INCODE project | 2024 | dataModel.Device | Modbus | ||
POLIMI | | FIWARE Foundation | INCODE project | 2024 | dataModel.Device | Modbus | ||
IUDX | A streetlight data model | IUDX | dataModel.Streetlighting | Streetlight | ||||
IUDX | A streetlight control panel Data Model. | IUDX | dataModel.Streetlighting | StreetlightFeeder | ||||
IUDX | A Data Model for citizen issues, reports and feedbacks. | dataModel.IssueTracking | IssueReporting | |||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Energy | ACMeasurement |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Energy | InverterDevice |
IUDX | dataModel.Energy | SolarEnergy | ||||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Energy | TechnicalCabinetDevice |
Las Rozas Innova | | Municipality of Las Rozas (Spain) | | 1-1-2022 | dataModel.Environment | AirQualityObserved | ||
IUDX | Used by various institutions for Air Quality Monitoring. | dataModel.Environment | AirQualityMonitoring | |||||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Environment | ElectroMagneticObserved |
IUDX | A Data Model for density of mosquitoes in the cities. | dataModel.Environment | MosquitoDensity | |||||
Diputación de Badajoz | Provincial Council for the Province of Badajoz, Spain | | Diputación de Badajoz | Badajoz es Mas | The photometers whose data are integrated into the Badajoz Provincial Council's Provincial Platform for Smart Management of Public Services have been installed mainly as part of a Smart Tourism Destination project for the region. | November 2022 | dataModel.Environment | NightSkyQuality |
Las Rozas Innova | | Municipality of Las Rozas (Spain) | | 1-1-2022 | dataModel.Environment | NoiseLevelObserved | ||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Environment | WaterObserved |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Environment | PhreaticObserved |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Environment | RainFallRadarObserved |
Municipality of Florence | The Alert data model has been adopted in a public/private transport interaction use case in Florence (Italy), where alerts are automatically generated from video analytics running at the tram stops and surrounding intersections. The alerts generated are notified to trams and private vehicles using vehicle-to-anything communication (V2X) technologies. | | ELASTIC project ( | The ELASTIC project (, is developing a novel software architecture for extreme-scale analytics. It incorporates a novel elasticity concept to distribute computational resources across the compute continuum. The ELASTIC software architecture will form the technological basis for advanced mobility systems and autonomous transport networks, and will be used to deploy a smart mobility use-case in a real urban area within the City of Florence (Italy). The project is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). | November 2020 | dataModel.Alert | Alert | |
IUDX | A Data Model for water distribution networks in the city. | dataModel.WaterDistribution | WaterDistributionNetwork | |||||
B-WaterSmart | The B-WaterSmart project uses the Sludge Quality Observed data model to collect and make available information about treated sludge and its potential reuse. | Engineering, SINTEF | B-WaterSmart | dataModel.WaterQuality | SludgeQualityObserved | ||| | The project uses the Water Quality Observed data model to distribute results from water quality observations in rivers and wastewater treatment plants. | dataModel.WaterQuality | WaterQualityObserved | |||||
SCOREwater | The SCOREwater project uses the Water Quality Observed data model to distribute results from water quality observations from a) water going in and out of construction sites and b) sewer systems. | IVL, Talkpool, BCASA, s::can, Civity | SCOREwater | Flow property of WaterQualityObserved | dataModel.WaterQuality | WaterQualityObserved | ||
B-WaterSmart | The B-WaterSmart project uses the Water Quality Observed data model to collect and make available information about treated water and its potential reuse. | Engineering, SINTEF | B-WaterSmart | dataModel.WaterQuality | WaterQualityObserved | |||
Audun Vennesland | This data model is used for describing predictions of water quality in the project. | | SINTEF | | dataModel.WaterQuality | WaterQualityPredicted | ||
South West Water - Smart Metering | Smart Water Meter model used to capture and analyse daily water consumption and leak alarms | South West Water | | 21-6-21 | dataModel.WaterConsumption | WaterConsumptionObserved | ||
NAIADES Project | We use it for our pilot use cases in Alicante, Braila and Carouge. | | UDG Alliance | NAIADES | 2022-1-3 | dataModel.WaterConsumption | WaterConsumptionObserved | |
Autonomous Hub for Ciclyst | A smart bike parking solution | | | 2020-07-22 | dataModel.GreenEnergy | GreenEnergyGenerator | ||
Autonomous Hub for Ciclyst | a smart bike parking solution | | | 2020-07-22 | dataModel.GreenEnergy | GreenEnergyMeasurement | ||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.GreenEnergy | PhotovoltaicDevice |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.GreenEnergy | PhotovoltaicMeasurement |
Secure robotic systems | Develop a cloud platform to manage Autunomous mobile robots | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | CommandMessage | |
Robot delivery in a suburban area | Delivery service using Autonomous mobile robot in a suburban area | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | CommandMessage | |
Secure robotic systems | Develop a cloud platform to manage Autunomous mobile robots | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | CommandReturnMessage | |
Robot delivery in a suburban area | Delivery service using Autonomous mobile robot in a suburban area | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | CommandReturnMessage | |
Secure robotic systems | Develop a cloud platform to manage Autunomous mobile robots | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StateMessage | |
Robot delivery in a suburban area | Delivery service using Autonomous mobile robot in a suburban area | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StateMessage | |
Secure robotic systems | Develop a cloud platform to manage Autunomous mobile robots | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StopCommandMessage | |
Robot delivery in a suburban area | Delivery service using Autonomous mobile robot in a suburban area | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StopCommandMessage | |
Secure robotic systems | Develop a cloud platform to manage Autunomous mobile robots | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StopCommandReturnMessage | |
Robot delivery in a suburban area | Delivery service using Autonomous mobile robot in a suburban area | | TIS Inc. | | 2020-04-01 | dataModel.AutonomousMobileRobot | StopCommandReturnMessage | |
Autonomous Hub for Ciclyst | a smart bike parking solution | | | 2020-07-22 | dataModel.Battery | Battery | ||
Autonomous Hub for Ciclyst | a smart bike parking solution | | | 2020-07-22 | dataModel.Battery | BatteryStatus | ||
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Battery | StorageBatteryDevice |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Battery | StorageBatteryMeasurement |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Ports | BoatAuthorized |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Ports | SeaportFacilities |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Ports | BoatPlacesAvailable |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.Ports | BoatPlacesPricing |
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | Aircraft | ||
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | AircraftModel | ||
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | Airline | ||
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | Airport | ||
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | Flight | ||
Aberdeen Airport | Flight turnaround events management | Aero Global Services | A/RPORTWIN. AR/VR for digital twins in airports and other infrastructures using FIWARE platform | January 2021 | dataModel.Aeronautics | FlightNotification | ||
TOURiLab experiment within i4trust | Standardized way of data sharing between companies and public entities | | VanCampers | TOURiLab-SDG (Sustainable Tourism i4Trust Lab) | February 2023 | dataModel.TourismDestinations | ConsumptionBehaviour | |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.TourismDestinations | Event |
TOURiLab-SDG experiment within i4trust | Standardized way of data sharing between companies and public entities | Noray | TOURiLab-SDG (Sustainable Tourism i4Trust Lab) | February 2023 | dataModel.TourismDestinations | TouristProfile | ||
TOURiLab experiment within i4trust | Standardized way of data sharing between companies and public entities | | VanCampers | TOURiLab-SDG (Sustainable Tourism i4Trust Lab) | February 2023 | dataModel.TourismDestinations | TouristRental | |
Stephane ROUX | Project Manager | | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur | Data Lake | SmartCity Project | January 2019 | dataModel.TourismDestinations | TouristTrip |
Siddharth Seshan | Demonstration of Fiware while integrating to the legacy system of the Amsterdam West WWTP in an EU project called Fiware4Water. The Blower data model is currently being used in collaboration with Waternet. | | KWR Water Research Institue | Fiware4Water | dataModel.WasteWater | Blower | ||
SeungMyeong Jeong | This data model has been adopted to the Water DNA platform, which is the water domain data platform with NGSI-LD APIs | | Korea Electronics Technology Institute | Water DNA project in the Intelligent Management Program for Urban Water Resources Program funded by Korea Ministry of Environment | Full name of the Water DNA project is "Technologies on hyper-connected SWG and LID data management platform and analytics" (RE201903069) | 10/06/2019 | dataModel.WasteWater | WaterProcess |
Siddharth Seshan | Demonstration of Fiware while integrating to the legacy system of the Amsterdam West WWTP in an EU project called Fiware4Water. The Blower data model is currently being used in collaboration with Waternet. | | KWR Water Research Institue | Fiware4Water | dataModel.WasteWater | WasteWaterJunction | ||
IUDX | Data model for waste water treatment plant. | IUDX | dataModel.WasteWater | WasteWaterPlant | ||||
Siddharth Seshan | Demonstration of FIWARE while integrating to the legacy system of the Amsterdam West WWTP in an EU project called Fiware4Water. The Blower data model is currently being used in collaboration with Waternet. | | KWR Water Research Institue | Fiware4Water | dataModel.WasteWater | WasteWaterSimulationResult | ||
Siddharth Seshan | Demonstration of Fiware while integrating to the legacy system of the Amsterdam West WWTP in an EU project called Fiware4Water. The Blower data model is currently being used in collaboration with Waternet. | | KWR Water Research Institue | Fiware4Water | dataModel.WasteWater | WasteWaterTank | ||
ARISE TEFs | Testing and Experimentation Facilities for ARISE EU Project | | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | ARISE( | December 2024 | dataModel.OPCUA | MachineTool | |
i4Q Project | I4Q Ecosystem | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | | dataModel.OPCUA | WoodworkingMachine | |||
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | CrossSection | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | OpenChannel | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | OpenChannelCurve | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | OpenChannelFlowRegulation | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | OpenChannelJunction | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | OpenChannelSystem | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technial University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | RegulationStructure | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technical University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | RegulationStructureSimulation | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technial University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | SluiceGate | |
EYDAP Greek Water Company | Raw-water (open channel) monitoring, management and control | | National Technial University of Athens | Fiware4Water | June 2019 | dataModel.OpenChannelManagement | Spillway | |
cattlechain | | dataModel.DistributedLedgerTech | DLTtxReceipt | |||||
FIWARE4Water challenges | Machine Learning models for the development of a contest about ML | | dataModel.MachineLearning | MLModel | ||||
FIWARE4Water challenges | Machine Learning models for the development of a contest about ML | | dataModel.MachineLearning | MLProcessing | ||||
FIWARE4Water challenges | Machine Learning models for the development of a contest about ML | | dataModel.MachineLearning | SubscriptionQuery | ||||
Ajuntament de València | Dashboard of the status and usage of the city Wi-Fi network of Valencia | | Ajuntament de València, Valencia Smart City Office | | dataModel.WifiNetwork | AccessPoint | ||
Ajuntament de València | Dashboard of the status and usage of the city Wi-Fi network of Valencia | | Ajuntament de València, Valencia Smart City Office | | dataModel.WifiNetwork | WifiPointOfInterest | ||
Palletisation application in robotics | contains data of a pallet and its location in a factory, is combined with the 'Piece' data model | | dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities | Pallet | ||||
Palletisation application in robotics | data of pieces which are located on a pallet in the factory | | dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities | Piece | ||||
An industrial robot arm | Data coming directly from the robot controller | | | 2021/05/25 | dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities | RobotArm | ||
Robotic cell in stone processing industry | Data about robot and its environment displayed in a dashboard. | | | 2021/05/25 | dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities | RoboticCell | ||
Robotic applications using vacuum for lifting goods. | Data about vacuumlevel and the type of a vacuumpump | | | 2021/05/25 | dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities | VacuumPump | ||
European open data portal | european open data portal, is compliant with DCAT-AP 2.0.1 | European union publications office | dataModel.DCAT-AP | CatalogueRecord | ||||
European open data portal | DCAT-AP is implemented in the open data portal | dataModel.DCAT-AP | DataService | |||||
SALTED project (Agenda Analytics use case) | agenda matching of public organizations (e.g. compliance reports like SDG, ESG) | | dataModel.DCAT-AP | DataService | ||||
SALTED project (Agenda Analytics use case) | agenda matching of public organizations (e.g. compliance reports like SDG, ESG) via a data service | | dataModel.DCAT-AP | DataServiceRun | ||||
Vivaqua, Water Board of Lemesos | Part of the Management of the Calls to a call center. | | CERTH / ITI [] | aqua3S | September 2019 | dataModel.CallComplaints | CallUser | |
Vivaqua, Water Board of Lemesos | Part of the Management of the Calls to a call center. | | CERTH / ITI [] | aqua3S | September 2019 | dataModel.CallComplaints | Complaint | |
Vivaqua, Water Board of Lemesos | Part of the Management of the Calls to a call center. | | CERTH / ITI [] | aqua3S | September 2019 | dataModel.CallComplaints | ComplaintsCollection | |
Vivaqua, Water Board of Lemesos | Part of the Management of the Calls to a call center. | | CERTH / ITI [] | aqua3S | September 2019 | dataModel.CallComplaints | ComplaintsOrganization | |
IUDX | Data Model for RevenueCollection. Initially for vehicle and transportation. | dataModel.PublicAccountability | RevenueCollection | |||||
DIH4IND | DIH4INDUSTRY Ecosystem | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | | dataModel.DigitalInnovationHub | DigitalInnovationHub | |||
AI REGIO | AI REGIO project | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | | dataModel.DigitalInnovationHub | DigitalInnovationHub | |||
DIH4IND | DIH4INDUSTRY Ecosystem | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | | dataModel.DigitalInnovationHub | DigitalInnovationHubService | |||
AI REGIO | AI REGIO project | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | | dataModel.DigitalInnovationHub | DigitalInnovationHubService | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | The class of component properties which represents attributes of observations in the cube, e.g. unit of measurement ( | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | AttributeProperty | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | SKOS Concept class defined to be used into statDCAT-AP | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | Catalogue | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | SKOS Concept class defined to be used into statDCAT-AP | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | Concept | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | SKOS ConceptSchema class defined to be used into statDCAT-AP | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | ConceptScheme | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | Adaptation of the SDMX standard to STAT-DCAT-AP 1.0.1 | 2022-02-01 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | Dataset | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | The class of component properties which represents the dimensions of the cube ( | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | DimensionProperty | |||
INTERSTAT Project | | A physical embodiment of the Dataset in a particular format, including visualisations of the data ( | 2023-02-23 | dataModel.STAT-DCAT-AP | Distribution | |||
FIWARE Lab Environment | Open Infrastructure based on OpenStack to facilitate the development of testing services based on FIWARE Technology | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | dataModel.IT | CloudRegion | ||||
FIWARE Lab Environment | Open Infrastructure based on OpenStack to facilitate the development of testing services based on FIWARE Technology | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | dataModel.IT | ITTests | ||||
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the BusinessEvent data model inside CPSV-AP to specify Business Event associated to a Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | BusinessEvent | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the Cost data model inside CPSV-AP to specify the any cost related with the execution of a Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | Cost | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the Criterion Requirement data model inside CPSV-AP to specify requirements needed for Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | CriterionRequirement | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the Evidence data model inside CPSV-AP to specify any resource that can document or support a criterion response for a Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | Evidence | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the LifeEvent data model inside CPSV-AP to specify Life Event associated to a Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | LifeEvent | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the PublicOrganization data model inside CPSV-AP to specify public organizartion competent of a Public Service. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | PublicOrganization | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the PublicService data model inside CPSV-AP to specify a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organization, publicly funded and arise from public sector. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | PublicService | |
Fernando López | The CEFAT4CITIES project uses the Rule data model inside CPSV-AP to represent a document that sets out the specific rules, guidelines or procedures that the Public Service follows. | | FIWARE Foundation, e.V. | CEFAT4CITIES | 02.06.2022 | dataModel.CPSV-AP | Rule | |
SALTED project (Agenda Analytics use case) | agenda matching of public organizations (e.g. compliance reports like SDG, ESG) | | dataModel.Organization | Organization | ||||
Blue Bike LDES | An Linked Data Event Stream (LDES) exposed from a Blue Bike endpoint | | IDLab (university Ghent - imec) | Mappings will be updated according to this datamodel soon. Current version: | dataModel.OSLO | BicycleParkingStation | || | Velopark uses Linked Open Data to describe bike parks in Belgium. | Nazka | Catalogue: | dataModel.OSLO | BicycleParkingStation | |||
Blue Bike LDES | An Linked Data Event Stream (LDES) exposed from a Blue Bike endpoint | | IDLab (university Ghent - imec) | Mappings will be updated according to this datamodel soon. Current version: | dataModel.OSLO | BicycleParkingStationForecast | || | Velopark uses Linked Open Data to describe bike parks in Belgium. | Nazka | Catalogue: | dataModel.OSLO | BicycleParkingStationForecast | |||
Blue Bike LDES | An Linked Data Event Stream (LDES) exposed from a Blue Bike endpoint | | IDLab (university Ghent - imec) | Mappings will be updated according to this datamodel soon. Current version: | dataModel.OSLO | ResourceReport | || | Velopark uses Linked Open Data to describe bike parks in Belgium. | Nazka | Catalogue: | dataModel.OSLO | ResourceReport | |||
Blue Bike LDES | An Linked Data Event Stream (LDES) exposed from a Blue Bike endpoint | | IDLab (university Ghent - imec) | Mappings will be updated according to this datamodel soon. Current version: | dataModel.OSLO | ResourceReportForecast | || | Velopark uses Linked Open Data to describe bike parks in Belgium. | Nazka | Catalogue: | dataModel.OSLO | ResourceReportForecast | |||
Manuel F. Martínez Torres | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan | | Port Authority of Huelva | | Conception and leader of the Puerto de Huelva digital transformation plan as CTO | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Jose Gabriel Álvarez Lorenzo | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan | | Port Authority of Huelva | | Leading the technical and management of the design and transformation plan as CIO | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Jose Hernan Gonzalez | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan | | Port Authority of Huelva | | Leading the technical and management of the design and transformation plan as CIO | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Martín Huerta Gómez de Merodio | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan - Technical Projects Office | | Ayesa Advanced Technologies, S.A. | | Support on planning, technical definition and project management of projects for Puerto de Huelva Tecnology Area | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Luis Manuel Campos Chacón | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan - Technical Projects Office | | Ayesa Advanced Technologies, S.A. | | Support on planning, technical definition and project management of project for Puerto de Huelva Technology Area | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Jose Luis Madueño Casares | Puerto de Huelva FIWARE based SmertPort Digital platform | | Port Authority of Huelva | Puerto de Huelva Digital Platform | development and deploying of the | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Airam Rodríguez | Platform covering the following five use cases; VGM Blockchain, Container Tracking, Goods Tracking, Transport Tracking, and Consignment Note | | Hiades Business Patterns, S.L. - | | Marine Services Platform for the Huelva's Port Community - pilots, tugs and mooring | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Mario Lucio López | NextPort Accelerates SmartPort Artificial Intelligence Solutions Development | | NextPort, S.L. by Moffatt & Nichol | | Development of Artifical Intelligent algorithms into the Smart Port of Huelva | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth |
Alfonso Serrano Bermejo | Development of the Puerto de Huelva iRAIL FIWARE Platform | | PORTEL Logistic Technologies, S.A. | | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Berth | |
ThPA S.A. - Port of Thessaloniki | Port of Thessaloniki Use case | | DataPorts | DataPorts | Port of Thessaloniki Use case | 2023-01-23. | dataModel.MarineTransport | Booking |
Salomé González | EDI Codeco Data Model | HIADES BUSINESS PATTERNS SL | SmartEDIPort (i4Trust Program) | dataModel.MarineTransport | EdiCodeco | |||
EDI Codeco Data Model | Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva | SmartEDIPort (i4Trust Program) | dataModel.MarineTransport | EdiCodeco | ||||
EDI Codeco Data Model | Nextport | SmartEDIPort (i4Trust Program) | dataModel.MarineTransport | EdiCodeco | ||||
Port Management System core (PMS-core) | Huelva Port Authority | | Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva | | datamodels defined as central part of the collaborative architecture of the port based on FIWARE with a number of projects involved | 26-05-2021 | dataModel.MarineTransport | MasterVessel |
Port Management System core (PMS-core) | Huelva Port Authority | | Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva | | datamodels defined as central part of the collaborative architecture of the port based on FIWARE with a number of projects involved | 26-05-2021 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Operation |
Salomé González | Port Data Model | | HIADES BUSINESS PATTERNS SL | Ziday (DigiCirc | Blue Economy Program) and others | 18/03/2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | Port | |
Salomé González | Port Data Model | | HIADES BUSINESS PATTERNS SL | Ziday (DigiCirc | Blue Economy Program) and others | 18/03/2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortAuthority | |
Dataports logistics platform | Platform covering the following five use cases; VGM Blockchain, Container Tracking, Goods Tracking, Transport Tracking, and Consignment Note | | Fundacion Valenciaport | | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall | |
Dataports connecting agents | Adaptation of diferent data sources for the Dataports logistics platform | | Prodevelop | | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall | |
Communication of Shipments | Provision of Shipment data from Visualtrans logistic solutions to Dataports logistic platform | | Visualtrans | | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall | |
Communication of TrackableEvents | Provision of TrackableEvents data from Traxens tracking platform to Dataports logistic platform | | Traxens | | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall | |
Manuel F. Martínez Torres | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan | | Port Authority of Huelva | | Conception and leader of the Puerto de Huelva digital transformation plan as CTO | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Jose Gabriel Álvarez Lorenzo | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan | | Port Authority of Huelva | | Leading the technical and management of the design and transformation plan as CIO | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Martín Huerta Gómez de Merodio | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan - Technical Projects Office | | Ayesa Advanced Technologies, S.A. | | Support on planning, technical definition and project management of projects for Puerto de Huelva Tecnology Area | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Luis Manuel Campos Chacón | Port Authority of Huelva Transformation Plan - Technical Projects Office | | Ayesa Advanced Technologies, S.A. | | Support on planning, technical definition and project management of project for Puerto de Huelva Technology Area | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Jose Luis Madueño Casares | Puerto de Huelva FIWARE based SmertPort Digital platform | | Port Authority of Huelva | Puerto de Huelva Digital Platform | development and deploying of the | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Airam Rodríguez | Platform covering the following five use cases; VGM Blockchain, Container Tracking, Goods Tracking, Transport Tracking, and Consignment Note | | Hiades Business Patterns, S.L. - | | Marine Services Platform for the Huelva's Port Community - pilots, tugs and mooring | 19-10-2022 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Nextport | NextPort Accelerates SmartPort Artificial Intelligence Solutions Development | | NextPort, S.L. by Moffatt & Nichol | | Development of Artifical Intelligent algorithms into the Smart Port of Huelva | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall |
Alfonso Serrano Bermejo | Development of the Puerto de Huelva iRAIL FIWARE Platform | | PORTEL Logistic Technologies, S.A. | | 02-04-2024 | dataModel.MarineTransport | PortCall | |
Salomé González | Vessel Data Model | HIADES BUSINESS PATTERNS SL | iGreenPort (i4Trust Program) and others | dataModel.MarineTransport | Vessel | |||
IN2 | It describes the relationship between energy consumed and their cost grouped by energy type and related to a specific consumption point. | | IN2 | ECOOO ( | 2022-08-03 | dataModel.Consumption | ConsumptionCost | |
IN2 | It describes all basic attributes that a consumption point has. | | IN2 | ECOOO ( | 2022-08-03 | dataModel.Consumption | ConsumptionPoint | |
INTERSTAT Project | | Adaptation of the SDMX standard to STAT-DCAT-AP 1.0.1 | 2022-11-24 | dataModel.SDMX | Observation | |||
SALTED project | Data Quality properties of data-stream measurements (eg. temperature measure generated by IoT devices). | | dataModel.DataQuality | DataQualityAssessment | ||||
WATERVERSE project | Data Quality Assurance tool | | dataModel.DataQuality | DataQualityAssessment | ||||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Actuator | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Actuator | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | AirToAirHeatRecovery | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | AirToAirHeatRecovery | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Alarm | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Alarm | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | AudioVisualAppliance | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | AudioVisualAppliance | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Boiler | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Boiler | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Building | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Building | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | BuildingSpace | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | BuildingSpace | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Burner | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Burner | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Chiller | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Chiller | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Coil | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Coil | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CommunicationAppliance | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CommunicationAppliance | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Compressor | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Compressor | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Condenser | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Condenser | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Controller | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Controller | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CooledBeam | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CooledBeam | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CoolingTower | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | CoolingTower | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Damper | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Damper | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | DuctSilencer | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | DuctSilencer | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricAppliance | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricAppliance | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricFlowStorageDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricFlowStorageDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricGenerator | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricGenerator | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricMotor | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricMotor | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricTimeControl | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ElectricTimeControl | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Engine | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Engine | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | EvaporativeCooler | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | EvaporativeCooler | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Evaporator | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Evaporator | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Fan | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Fan | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Filter | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Filter | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FireSuppressionTerminal | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FireSuppressionTerminal | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FlowInstrument | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FlowInstrument | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FlowMeter | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | FlowMeter | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | HeatExchanger | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | HeatExchanger | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Humidifier | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Humidifier | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Interceptor | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Interceptor | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Lamp | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Lamp | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | MedicalDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | MedicalDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Outlet | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Outlet | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ProtectiveDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ProtectiveDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Pump | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Pump | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SanitaryTerminal | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SanitaryTerminal | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ShadingDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | ShadingDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SolarDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SolarDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SpaceHeater | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SpaceHeater | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SwitchingDevice | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | SwitchingDevice | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Tank | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Tank | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Transformer | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Transformer | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | TransportElement | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | TransportElement | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | TubeBundle | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | TubeBundle | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | UnitaryControlElement | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | UnitaryControlElement | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Valve | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | Valve | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | VibrationIsolator | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4BLDG | VibrationIsolator | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | Connection | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | Connection | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | ConnectionPoint | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | ConnectionPoint | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | System | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.S4SYST | System | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.SAREF | Meter | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.SAREF | Meter | ||
KMD A/S | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building | GPI@KMD.DK; BKD@KMD.DK | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.SAREF | Sensor | ||
University of Southern Denmark | Models are used to represent a digital twin of the building |; | Twin4Build - A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle | 2022-09-01 | dataModel.SAREF | Sensor | ||
Diputacion de Badajoz | Activity related to provincial public services, derived from a strategic project, and with impact on SDG | | Diputacion de Badajoz (Badajoz Provincial Council) | Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustainable Development Strategy) | 2022 | dataModel.SDG | Action | |
Diputacion de Badajoz (Badajoz provincial Council, Spain) | Indicator that measures the degree of completion of activities and projects, with impact on SDG | | Diputacion de Badajoz (Badajoz Provincial Council) | Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustainable Development Strategy) | 2022 | dataModel.SDG | Indicator | |
Diputacion de Badajoz (Badajoz provincial Council, Spain) | Strategic set of activities that provide public services to municipalities in province of Badajoz (Spain) | | Diputacion de Badajoz (Badajoz Provincial Council) | Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustainable Development Strategy) | 2022 | dataModel.SDG | Project | |
ATOS/EVIDEN | Developers/Deployers of the CoRoSect Information Management System (IMS) | | ATOS/EVIDEN | CoRoSect FIWARE Digital Twin | 01/01/2021 | dataModel.AAS | I4AAS | |
ATOS/EVIDEN | Developers/Deployers of the CoRoSect Information Management System (IMS) | | ATOS/EVIDEN | CoRoSect FIWARE Digital Twin | 01/01/2021 | dataModel.AAS | I4Asset | |
ATOS/EVIDEN | Developers/Deployers of the CoRoSect Information Management System (IMS) | | ATOS/EVIDEN | CoRoSect FIWARE Digital Twin | 01/01/2021 | dataModel.AAS | I4Submodel | |
ATOS/EVIDEN | Developers/Deployers of the CoRoSect Information Management System (IMS) | | ATOS/EVIDEN | CoRoSect FIWARE Digital Twin | 01/01/2021 | dataModel.AAS | I4SubmodelElementOperation | |
ATOS/EVIDEN | Developers/Deployers of the CoRoSect Information Management System (IMS) | | ATOS/EVIDEN | CoRoSect FIWARE Digital Twin | 01/01/2021 | dataModel.AAS | I4SubmodelElementProperty | |
ARISE TEFs | Testing and Experimentation Facilities for ARISE EU Project | | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. | ARISE( | December 2024 | dataModel.AAS | TimeSeries | |
Smart Data Models | an agile standardization initiative | | Smart Data Models | 15-11-2024 | dataModel.SmartDataModels | Attribute | ||
Data Spaces Support Center | | 28-11-2024 | dataModel.DataSpace | InteroperableAssets | ||||
SUSTIE | Mitsubishi Electric | | June 1, 2023 | dataModel.ZEB | Column | |||
adopter | description | organization | project | comments | startDate | subject | dataModel |